About Us

Empowering Product teams like yours.

Seamless Product Documentation & Team Collaboration are at the heart of what we do.

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We're here to help Product Teams with the boring stuff.

An overwhelming majority of product teams spend most of their time managing documentation.

Instead of what they're good at, building products!

We're here to change that.

product teams
Our Values

And these are our principles!

We aren't like everyone else. We look at the world differently, but also share a lot in common.
We believe in making the world a better place than when we found it; by empowering the teams creating our future.

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We connect with others in meaningful ways.

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Innovate & Optimize

We challenge the status quo.

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Community Driven

We listen to our users.

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Our Story

We started GoScope for one reason:

Product Teams like yours should be working on the product, not struggling with documentation.
We've worked in product teams, we knew we deserved better; so we built it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

👊👊👊 We ❤️ our early supporters. 👊👊👊
Never be affected by price increases, All Paid plans lock in pricing for Eternity!

Getting Started:
What is GoScope?
Why should we use GoScope?
Is GoScope free?
Features & Integration:
What are the key features of GoScope?
Does GoScope integrate with Jira?
Can I export the scoping documents created with GoScope?
Support & Onboarding:
How easy is it to get started with GoScope?
What kind of support does GoScope offer?
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